During our free time in Venice, one evening we ended up near the Peggy Guggenheim Collection next to the Grand Canal. Located here was a site specific project by Starn Studio: Big Bambu.
Doug and Mike Starn are American twins who constructed a 50-foot-tall structure made of 2,000 bamboo shoots arranged in a spiralling walkway. An arrangement of ropes held the bamboo shoots together, fabricating an internal path that leads to a nest at the top.
What Mark has to say about the project: "It is a sculpture, but not a static sculpture. it's something that exists through the presence of the people inside it. It's an organism that we, and the crew of rock climbers, are just a part of--helping to move it along. We are constructing an ongoing tower, growth and change remain invariable, and they are a constant."
Justine, Carmen, Remi
Reminds me of Arne Quinze but wat more fun and whimsical!